June 8, 2021

Iowa law puts Des Moines parents in charge of teen driver education

A change in Iowa law has put parents in the driver’s seat when it comes to teaching their teenagers the rules of the road.

A bill passed by the Legislature and signed by Gov. Kim Reynolds in May eliminated a requirement that some teen drivers receive lessons from a licensed driver’s instructor. That puts more onus on parents to ensure their children are road-ready. 

And that’s important, because teens account for three times more fatal crashes per mile driven than those 20 or older, according to the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety. The risk is highest for beginners: The overall crash rate for 16-year-olds is three times higher than the rate for 18- and 19-year-olds.

All of which means that parents must be proactive in educating their children about driving. Here are some recommendations:

Practice zero tolerance for no seat belts

There is no excuse for not wearing a seat belt. If your child shirks this off, you can provide a convincing argument with this statistic: Lap and shoulder belts — when properly used — can reduce the risk of fatal injury to front-seat car occupants by 45%, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. And seat belts are credited with saving more than 250,000 lives since 1975.

Ride shotgun

Experts recommend that teens drive for at least 100 hours, supervised, during the first year. “This is structured, active parent coaching,” Anne Marie Hayes, president of the Teens Learn to Drive Foundation. “Have your child practice on all kinds of roads, in various lighting and weather conditions.” And model good driving practices at all times with your children, no matter what age they are. Always remember that the best “instruction” for young people are the decisions you make every day in traffic.

Emphasize a big picture view

As opposed to tunnel vision, a “whole road” perspective works best. So help your child make better choices by taking advantage of the entire landscape of visual detail before them. “They must take note of any cars pulling away from side parking spots and watch for pedestrians who might cut across the path from either sidewalk,” says Susan Kuczmarski, author of The Sacred Flight of the Teenager: A Parent’s Guide to Stepping Back and Letting Go. “Then check for pedestrians on the crosswalk at the approaching stop sign. Monitor the rear-view mirror for activity behind the driver, and always look for fast-moving bicyclists and pets which suddenly cross in front.”

Encourage discussion

Like a good coach, you should engage your teen when riding along. Ask him or her to describe the decisions being made during the ride, so you can understand his or her thought processes. “Listen closely to see if your teen is missing anything,” Kuczmarski says. “Give feedback based on both what you’re hearing and on the driving.” Similarly, when you’re behind the wheel, explain what steps you’re taking at any given moment — in various, common situations — to ensure a safe experience.

Put it in writing

In many households, a “contract” between parents and kids will clarify expectations. In this agreement, you can provide specifics on penalties for various violations — including texting and driving, speeding, failure to obey traffic lights and other dangerous behaviors. “This way, when a friend in the car tells your teen, ‘Speed up!’ your teen will know that he or she could lose driving privileges for a month,” Hayes says.

New driver in the family? It can be expensive to add a teen driver to your insurance policy, but there are discounts available to minimize the impact to your pocketbook. 

Call us today at 515-274-5500 to learn more. 

Tags: auto insurance, des moines, iowa, rates, teen drivers

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